Recent Thought Leadership

Resilience Marketing and Communication for Product/Service Providers

Read industry-leading insights from our staff on electric power resilience. We’ve tailored this thought leadership specifically to enterprises that provide resilience products and services to electric utilities. Is your organization implementing all of these best practices on marketing and communicating about resilience solutions?

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An Electric Power Resilience Checklist for Your Resilience Solutions

Do you market and sell products or services that help electric utilities become more resilient to wildfires or extreme weather? See our checklist of 15 questions that electric utilities may ask you about your resiliency solution. Can you answer all these questions?

Communicating with Utilities about Resilience Solutions

See our “blueprint” for resilience communication – an infographic. Utility prospects typically respond to at-a-glance, compelling graphics, as a complement to written marketing materials. See how we illustrate this with our 8 best practices for communicating with utilities.

Communicating with Utilities about Resilience Solutions

While creating over 1000 electric power industry documents, we’ve learned a thing or two about best practices for written communication in this industry. Find out how you can differentiate your enterprise from competitors in the resilience space using our communication best practices.

Communicating with Utilities about Resilience Solutions

Wildfire and extreme weather resilience is a sensitive subject in the electric power industry, in light of recent tragic events. Find out how to become a resiliency thought leader in your written communications using our eight best practices.